
oooh that coveted Green Card!

I was just reading on Saltistjejens blog about that sought after Green Card!!
That brought back so many memories of my time of dealing with USCIS...= Immigration!!
Gaahh...it took almost 5 years, 2 interviews and a near deportation before I got it...
 Our first interview felt like a joke. The lady who "interviewed" us didn't even look up from her/my papers once and then after realizing that I hadn't filed my papers on time I was just told to file the same papers again....basically to start all over again. Oh well....
The papers were filed and we were told to wait....
And wait we did....

We moved twice during that time...
And every time I filed a change of adress, the first time I did it via mail and in person but since I was told it wasn't necessary to do it in person I just sent it via mail the 2nd time...
I should have known that when they, USCIS, say something isn't necessary I should do it anyway....
We go home for Christmas, come back 3 weeks later...pick up some mail from our old landlord in the Bronx (we were living on Staten Island by then) and lo and behold.....
3 letters from USCIS...
2 adressed to me and 1 to my husband....

All in all the letters said that since we didn't show for our 2nd interview and they haven't heard from us my application for a Green Card had been denied and that "removal procedures" had been put in effect....
and these letters had been sent to my old adress months after I had changed my adresss....
So after making phone call after phone call I just decided to make my way to the USCIS office...
 I was pissed...fuming....upset....to say the least...
They F*&(_)_ up and I have to pay for it???
And let me tell you...going to the USCIS office is like walking into a different century...and it feels like you are treated like cattle...GO HERE, DON'T STAND THERE, HAVE UR PAPERS READY......
I had all my papers with me....originals and copies...passports...travel documents...etc..
even my vaccination papers!! :)
I politely state my "case" to this immigration officer sitting in her little booth....
She just looks at me, like she could care less ...
She doesn't say a word at first, just looks at the papers I present to her as proof that I changed my address....they way they told me to do... via mail!!!
I had copies of the forms for change of addess etc...
And she just says "But this doesn't prove anything..."...
and then continues saying that I should have come in person and change the address....
It was a good thing that there were other people around me and a few officers...otherwise I would have punched her lights out!!
And then I really don't remember much of what I said, but I was pissed (but polite...)
She also said that all I could do at this point was to start over.....AGAIN!! A 3rd time???
After calling her crazy....I know, not professional but I was reaaallly upset...I calmed down took a deep breath and told her that since it was their fault they would have to fix it and that I wasn't leaving until I would get some answers!!
She just rolled her eyes at me and sighed and started typing something on the computer...
and then she says... "oh....is your address.....bla bla bla bla , Staten Island, NY?"
I just gave her a fake smile and it was....my new address...in the computer...right in front of her!!!!!!
She didn't even say sorry once....but I didn't care...
And one week later I got a letter ....it was time for our 2nd interview....

To be continued......


Saltistjejen said...

Wow!!!! Ja du man kan bli trött för mindre!!!
Fin blogg du har förresten! Roligt att hitta hit. Så du bor på Staten Island nu?
ANg din bokfråga i inläget nedan så udnrar jag om du läst The Hunger Games-trilogin?? Om inte så GÖR det!!! Jag läste alla tre på raken utan att knappt kunna lägga ifrån mig dem:-)

Caroline said...


Hoppas verkligen du far ditt Green Card snart, sa att det inte drar ut mer pa tiden! Kan vara frustrerande!
Japp, 5 ar snart har vi bott har pa den "lilla" on!
Jag har last lite om de bockerna, manga lovordar dom sa jag far nog se till att lasa dom. Ar lite sugen pa en riktigt bra bok pa svenska dock!
Tack for titten!