

Got this challenge from my little sister Emma if u r reading a book go to page 123 , the 5th sentence and the 3 following and publish it here:

"He always struck me as disagreeable because he treated the Indians badly,was miserly, and unkind to the poor,but I learned to respect him for his courage and loyalty. Monroy, who had been born in Salamanca and was a descendent of a noble family, was just the opposite:refined,handsome and generous. We immediately became friends. Jeronimo de Alderete, Valdivia's old comrade in arms, who years before had tempted him to come to the New World, was with them."

"Ines of my soul" by Isabel Allende

I love this book....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eeehhh....gött! Men jag tror nog att de blev en mening för mkt! Nej då, jag e inte petig;)